The Mold Girl offers asbestos testing in Charleston, SC, or surrounding areas. Asbestos testing is required by law when demolition or remodeling is done on any residential or commercial building regardless of the year it was built. Asbestos is a serious health threat and should not be taken lightly.
Asbestos can be an invisible hazard in your home, and it can be present in multiple places. You may suspect that the age of your home makes it likely that asbestos is present. You may be planning to undertake a remodeling project or just want to know for your peace of mind if asbestos is present. The Mold Girl will follow all EPA guidelines for sample removal and testing. Call The Mold Girl Today!
There are federal and state laws that relate to asbestos. Many states have laws governing when situations under which asbestos testing is required, how samples are to be taken, and what type of lab they are sent to. Thus a contractor or homeowner may be required by law to test for asbestos.
Some real estate transactions are contingent upon asbestos testing, as the presence of asbestos may affect the selling price. During a home inspection, the inspector may notice something that leads them to believe that there are asbestos materials in the home. The homeowner may also be required to disclose the presence of asbestos to a potential buyer.
Asbestos fibers travel invisible and can cause severe health problems. Asbestos poisoning, cancer, other lung conditions, and mesothelioma are conditions related to asbestos exposure. Even family members of those working with asbestos can be exposed.
If your home was built between 1930 and 1977, your home might have asbestos in building materials. Homes built in the 1930s, 40s and 50’s traditionally had insulation containing asbestos. Asbestos was used later in a wider range of materials: roof and floor tiles, fabrics, cement products, even cookware, as examples. The penetration of substances made with asbestos will release fibers, and this is why testing needs to be done before work is done.
The most common types of ceilings that contained asbestos were acoustic ceiling tiles and popcorn ceilings. There were certain manufacturers that were known to use asbestos in their ceiling tiles as well. During the aging process, these tiles can break or crumble, releasing any asbestos fibers will be released.
We believe everyone deserves to be healthy and free from environmental hazards caused by mold, water damage, volatile organic compounds, asbestos, lead, meth, drugs, viruses, bateria and other pathogens.
Please take a moment to read answers to our most frequently asked questions about our services.
Asbestos may be found in the following locations: Vermiculite-based attic and wall insulation is manufactured. Vinyl floor tiles and adhesives for vinyl sheet flooring. Shingles for roofing and siding. But, this list is a tiny faction of where asbestos may be in your home.
Asbestos is present in certain types of vinyl floor tiles, the backing on vinyl sheet flooring, and adhesives. In older homes, hot water and steam pipes may be coated with asbestos or covered with an asbestos blanket or tape. Asbestos insulation may be found in oil and coal stoves, as well as door gaskets.
Typically, popcorn ceilings comprise between 1% and 10% asbestos. While 1% may appear little, any amount of asbestos in a popcorn ceiling is cause for concern and should be handled.
Diseases associated with asbestos exposure often take at least 20 years to manifest. When a disease progresses, symptoms appear gradually and may first mimic those of a typical cold.
A dust mask is excellent at what it is intended to do, which is to block out ordinary dust. However, this is insufficient to prevent asbestos particles from entering the air. Wearing a simple mask purchased at Lowe's or Home Depot will not provide you with the necessary protection or assure that you do not develop mesothelioma.
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We believe everyone deserves to breathe healthy air and be free of environmental hazards.
Phone: 843-905-2448
Address: 1617 Juliana St Daniel Island, SC 29492
Business Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sat - Sun Closed
The Mold Girl provides air quality testing and indoor environmental consulting services in Charleston, SC and surrounding areas.
Please review the list below for the most often requested services. If you suspect that you may be suffering from indoor air quality problems caused by the presence of mold, asbestos, lead, bacteria, viruses, or other environmental concerns, we can assist you in determining whether or not you do.
Are you interested in determining the mold levels in your home or office? The Mold Girl has you covered! We perform skilled mold assessments to assist you in determining the degree of any mold problems and making recommendations for remediation. To get started, contact us today!
The Mold Girl is the go-to business for asbestos assessments. We offer quick, reliable, and affordable services to help you stay safe and in compliance with local regulations. Contact us today to learn more!
The Mold Girl is your trusted source for IAQ assessments in the Charleston area. Our team of experts will help you determine the quality of the air in your home or workplace and provide you with the necessary steps to improve it. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
The Mold Girl is a mold testing company in Charleston, SC that provides mold testing services for homes and businesses throughout South Carolina. If you need mold testing due to a real estate transaction or due to health concerns, give us a call today!
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